How do I mark myself SAFE?
How do I mark myself SAFE? Day Two, hands wringless. I know, I know, many folks’s hands are chafed from all wringing…as if man’s humanity to man grows out of the barrel of the tax… How do I mark myself SAFE?
How do I mark myself SAFE? Day Two, hands wringless. I know, I know, many folks’s hands are chafed from all wringing…as if man’s humanity to man grows out of the barrel of the tax… How do I mark myself SAFE?
The problem with state planners, whether communist or fascist, is arrogance. A statist views its particular plan as self-evidently true and just, as natural as falling off of a log while viewing other plans —… The Problem with State Planners
It’s time to begin thinking about what the new political ideal should incorporate. For starters, we could do worse than highlight three perennial themes which ring out loud and clear in the best of US… WANTED: A NEW WAY TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN | Richard Koch
Today standing at 91,642 pages, the Federal Register is 10,000 pages higher than the prior all-time record. Those 10,000 pages have been added in the last month. Source: 90,000 Pages of Bureaucratic Hell | Foundation… 90,000 Pages of Bureaucratic Hell | Foundation for Economic Education
Libertarians are ingenious folk. And I have no doubt that, given sufficient time, they can think up a host of ways to tweak, tinker, and contextualize the NAP in a way that makes some progress… Six Reasons Libertarians Should Reject the Non-Aggression Principle – Matt Zwolinski
Who knows what housing, stores, railways or other benefits to society Scrooge had made possible through his wise judgment? How many thousands of jobs had he created? Dickens is unjustly silent on this. Whatever Scrooge… The Leftist Apparitions Who Shook Down Scrooge for Money | Foundation for Economic Education
List of videos featuring John Stossel. Source: Freedom Channel: ABC 20/20 – Greed
Never ceases to amaze me how the newly empowered so quickly forget: Economics, as we have now seen again and again, is a science of recognizing secondary consequences. It is also a science of seeing… Economics in One Lesson | Foundation for Economic Education