Wild Turkeys
Wild Turkeys At the edge of the cemetery,to the left of the entrance way,a flock of wild turkeys, thin and black,stroll through oft trimmed grass. They pick and bob alongas if plucking deep, silent noteswithin… Wild Turkeys
Wild Turkeys At the edge of the cemetery,to the left of the entrance way,a flock of wild turkeys, thin and black,stroll through oft trimmed grass. They pick and bob alongas if plucking deep, silent noteswithin… Wild Turkeys
Chris Bray, an always interesting blogger, asked his readers (here: https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/lets-talk-about-this), about the current political situation in the run up to the 2024 election. To which I wrote: First, I’m a libertarian that votes Republican… Let’s Talk About This
When I spoke with Menno just before the new year, he comforted me more than any words I could offer him. As I had told him, I am glad to call him my friend and… Menno Buijs: Rest in Peace
Once upon a time, when we were small, Dennis and I met at the end of our driveways. I will tell you that story. For now though, let me just say that we lived across… Dennis Voytko: Rest in Peace
Why does the US Government tax its US industries when it can apparently just “print” a near infinite amount of money with little or no apparent consequences? Four reasons. Even the Fed and its acolytes… Why does the US Government tax its US industries when it can apparently just “print” a near infinite amount of money with little or no apparent consequences?
In his great book Human Action, Mises demonstrates that societies don’t think: individuals within societies think. It bears repeating. Humans are not bees in a hive; nor are we ants in a colony. The… Stand Athwart History and Say STOP
Why don’t all of the world countries agree on a taxes system, in which big and long lasting corporations pay over 90% of their profit, and the more wealth that you make the higher taxes… Why don’t all of the world countries agree on a taxes system
Is economics considered a science? If so why? Isn’t money and value merely an agreed upon idea? A paper dollar has value because we all believe it does. Even gold’s value is based on belief.… Is economics considered a science?
Peer reviewed article, Stay-at-home policy is a case of exception fallacy: an internet-based ecological study”, in Nature: “In conclusion, using this methodology and current data, in ~ 98% of the comparisons using 87 different regions of the… COVID-19 Stay-at-home Policy Fail
Will time show the killing of Ashli Babbitt to have more in common with the killings of the four students at Kent State, May 4, 1970 – unarmed, protesting injustice as they saw it, than… Justice for Ashli Babbitt